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Planet and Moon

Shamanic Retreats

Come join Bodhi for in-person shamanic retreats throughout the US.

Bodhi is hosting both short (evening only) and long (full, all-inclusive weekends) retreats around the US. These events are all designed to help you move forward on your spiritual path.


Events include shamanic retreats as well as spiritual boot camp weekends.


In-Person Soul Retrieval

Each event will include in-person, guided soul retrieval done through a deep dive into your soul, your soul's path, and more. These are intensive and will change you on a deep level.


Shamanic Traveling Ceremony

Each event includes shamanic traveling with Bodhi, an experienced, practicing shaman, who will guide you through an experience with a unique blue lotus tea.


Q&A With Bodhi

You will get in-depth q&a time with Bodhi about all types of topics, such as spiritual paths, past lives, soul tribes, karmic and soul bonds, and so much more

And much, much more...

Evening Retreats

Evening only retreats are held from 8pm to midnight, VIPs allow you an extra hour meet and greet with Bodhi before the event starts. These events are held the evening before some of Bodhi's larger events throughout the US. These evening events include:


- In-person soul retrieval to regain pieces lost through past lives

- Shamanic traveling to your soul's home and meet your source self

- In-depth talks from Bodhi about spiritual paths, past lives, soul tribes, karmic and soul bonds, starseeds, soul contracts and more.

- Special access to unique items, teas and more.


Tickets for evening events start at $100 and go up to $200. Limited space is available at each event. All tickets can be paid out over time.

Outdoor Meditation
Sat on the Rocks
Image by David Brooke Martin
Dramatic Sunset

Weekend Retreats

All-inclusive weekend retreats are your spiritual bootcamp. These events are an entire weekend with Bodhi as well as an intensive immersive experience into living in a moment-to-moment spiritual life. These retreats are only held 2-4 of times a year and include:


- Weekend stay at the event

- Food, drinks and snacks

- In-person soul retrieval to regain pieces lost through past lives

- Group reiki session and spiritual surgery to remove stones keeping you blocked

- Shamanic traveling to your soul's home and meet your source self

- In-depth talks with Bodhi about spiritual paths, past lives, soul tribes, karmic and soul bonds, starseeds, soul contracts and more

- Evening elemental ceremony

- Classes from Bodhi on daily spiritual living

- Classes on kitchen witchery

- Tea design class with Bodhi

- Morning qi gong with Bodhi

- Private meditation time

- Plenty of laughing and so much more


Tickets for weekend events start at $800 per person. We do offer PayPal flex billing, and require a 30% deposit to hold your spot. You can pay out the remainder before the event.


***Spots for weekend events are extremely limited.


Upcoming Shamanic Retreats

Evening Only Shamanic Retreats
Chicago, IL - May 12th, 2022                                  Austin, TX - June 17th, 2022
Oklahoma City, OK - June 24th, 2022                Indianapolis, IN - July 21st, 2022
Oklahoma City, OK - August 5th, 2022            Las Vegas, NV - September 16th, 2022
Seattle, WA - October 14th, 2022                         

Weekend Shamanic Retreats
Dallas, TX - June 10-12th, 2022

Tentative Weekend Retreat Dates (subject to change)
Victor, CO (nestled in the Rockies, by Cripple Creek, CO) - Dates TBD
Las Vegas, NV - September 23-24th, 2022
Eureka Springs, AR - Dates TBD

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