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7 Realms of the Astral Plane Explained

Writer's picture: thebluebodhithebluebodhi

The astral plane is a realm of existence that is said to exist between the physical world and the spiritual world. In many belief systems and spiritual traditions, it is believed that the astral plane is composed of multiple levels or dimensions, each with its own unique characteristics and inhabitants.

The first level of the astral plane is often considered to be the closest to the physical world. It is said to closely resemble the physical world but with subtle differences. Some people believe that this level is where newly deceased souls initially reside as they transition from the physical plane to the astral plane.

Moving beyond the first level, the astral plane is believed to become less bound by the laws of physics and more influenced by the thoughts and emotions of those who inhabit it. As one progresses through the levels, the environment is said to become increasingly abstract and surreal, with the potential for a wider range of experiences and interactions.

Some spiritual traditions believe that the higher levels of the astral plane are inhabited by advanced spiritual beings, ascended masters, and guides who are dedicated to helping souls on their spiritual journeys. It is also believed that on the higher levels, individuals can gain access to higher knowledge and wisdom, and experience a deeper connection to the universal consciousness.

The 7 Levels Of The Astral Plane Explained

1. The Physical Realm Extension: This layer is the closest to the physical world and closely resembles it, with subtle differences. It is believed to be the initial destination for newly deceased souls transitioning from the physical plane to the astral plane.

2. The Emotional Realm: In this layer, the environment is influenced by the thoughts and emotions of those who inhabit it. It is characterized by a heightened sensitivity to emotional energies and experiences.

3. The Mental Realm: Here, the astral plane becomes less bound by the laws of physics and more influenced by the collective consciousness and mental energies. It is a realm of profound thoughts and ideas, where mental creations can manifest more readily.

4. The Spiritual Realm: This layer is characterized by a deep sense of interconnectedness and spiritual awareness. It is believed to be inhabited by advanced spiritual beings, ascended masters, and guides dedicated to assisting souls on their spiritual journeys.

5. The Divine Realm: In this layer, individuals can access higher knowledge and wisdom, experiencing a deeper connection to the universal consciousness. It is a realm of profound spiritual growth and enlightenment.

6. The Cosmic Realm: Here, the astral plane transcends individual experiences and expands into the cosmic consciousness. It is believed to be a realm of universal truths, cosmic patterns, and the interconnectedness of all things.

7. The Unity Realm: The highest layer of the astral plane where the individual self dissolves into the universal consciousness. It is a realm of pure unity, where the boundaries between self and other, individual and collective, dissolve completely.

It's important to note that the concept of the astral plane and its various levels is a matter of belief and spirituality, and interpretations can vary widely among different cultures and traditions. Whether one believes in the existence of the astral plane or not, exploring these concepts can provide valuable insights into different spiritual perspectives and the nature of existence beyond the physical realm.

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