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Magical Herbs, Fruits, & Veggies: The G's

We're moving right along in the alphabet. Here are the G herbs, fruits, and veggies and their spiritual meanings.

Galangal Root - Magickal uses include winning in court, doubling money, hex breaking and sex magick. Burn as incense to remove evil spells and break curses. Carry for protection, to improve psychic abilities and to bring good health. Carry to court to make the judge or jury feel favorably inclined toward you. Wrap money around the root and it will multiply threefold. Burn vigilantly for 14 days before a court case, saving the ashes and bringing them to court in a green flannel bag for luck.

Also Called: Lo John, Low John, Lo John the Conqueror, Lesser Galangal, Galanga, Colic Root, Gargaut, Catarrh Root, India Root, China Root

Gardenia - Promoting peace/repelling strife, protection from outside influences. Carry or wear to attract love or friendship. Burn with other healing herbs to bring peace and comfort to one who is ailing. Use dried flowers in healing incenses and mixtures. Scatter around a room to bring peaceful vibrations.

Garlic - Magickal uses include healing, protection, exorcism, repulsion of vampires, and purification of spaces and objects. Used to invoke Hecate. Guards against negative magic, spirits, and the envy of others. Hang in the home to bring togetherness to the family or keep your willpower strong. Said to ward off bad weather when worn or carried during outside activities. Believed to absorb diseases -- rub fresh, peeled garlic against ailing body parts then throw the garlic into running water.

Also Called: Stinkweed

Gentian - Add an infusion to the bath for power and strength.

Geranium - Overcoming negative thoughts & attitudes, lifting spirits, promoting protection & happiness. Repels insects. Balances mind and body.

Ginger - Draws adventure and new experiences. Promotes sensuality, sexuality, personal confidence, prosperity, and success. Adds to the strength and speed of any mixture of which it is a part. Place in amulet, mojo, or medicine bag to promote good health & protection. Use in herbal mixtures for the consecration of athames to strengthen and energize the ritual blade. A ginger root in the form of a human is a very powerful magickal token.

Also Called: African Ginger

Ginkgo Biloba - Aphrodisiac, associated with fertility. Carry or use in amulets and charms as a healing herb. Useful in ritual healing. The dried nuts represent male fertility. Useful in all creative work. Immerse in water, then remove and keep in the bedroom to gain grace, love, and beauty.

Also Called: Maidenhair Tree, Living Fossil, Gingko

Ginseng - Magickal uses include love, beauty, protection, healing and lust. Carry to draw love, health, money, and sexual potency. Carve a wish into a whole root and throw it into water to make the wish come true.

Also Called: Sang, Wonder of the World Root

Goldenrod - Money, divination

Also Called: Aaron's Rod, Woundwort, Sweet Goldenrod, Solidago, Ver d'or

Goldenseal - Healing rituals, money spells, success. Beneficial in business dealings and matters of finance. Work into any charm or spell to increase its power.

Also Called: Yellow Root, Orange Root, Yellow Puccoon, Ground Raspberry, Eye Balm, Eye Root, Indian Paint, Yellow Paint, Golden Root, Wild Turmeric, Indian Turmeric, Jaundice Root, Yellow Eye, Wamera

Goosegrass - Wisdom, tenacity, luck in love, and pleasant dreams.

Gorse - Associated with love, protection, romance, and weddings. Used to further the romance of a consensual relationship. Protects against negativity and dark magick.

Also Called: Whin, Prickly Broom, Furze

Gotu Kola - Burn prior to (but not during) meditation.

Grape - Fertility, money, mental powers, and garden magick.

Grape Seed - Used for garden magick and fertility.

Grapefruit - Cleansing and purification.

Gravel Root - Used to increase the chances of getting a job. Aids one during times of distress. Useful as an altar offering, especially during love magick. Burn or strew about the house to relieve disharmony in the home or remove tensions. An infusion of the herb rubbed on an erect member is said to improve male potency.

Also Called: Meadow Sweet, Bride of the Meadow, Bridewort, Little Queen, Gravelweed, Joe-Pye Weed, Purple Boneset, Kidney Root, Trumpet Weed, Trumpet Vine, Meadowsweet.

Guinea Peppers - Hexing and cursing

Gum Arabic - Protection, psychic and spiritual enhancement, money, platonic love, and friendship. Use to anoint candles & censers and to consecrate chests or boxes that hold ritual tools. Use in incense to promote a meditative state.

Also Called: Acacia, Arabic Gum

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