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Let’s Talk Freyr

Whenever I cross paths with a pagan who follows the Norse tradition, usually men, I inquire about their patron. Almost always, their answer is Thor or Odin. Often when I move to discuss other Norse Gods, Freyr is routinely mistaken for his sister, Freya, love, beauty, sex, and all that. There are vastly more articles on Freya, after all. Whether mainstream entertainment is at fault or their generation is simply more drawn to the warrior archetype, Freyr is seemingly overlooked.

Freyr is the Norse God of fertility, an aspect normally reserved for the Goddesses, while the Gods take on more masculine roles. Freyr still holds a sword, ironically with a mind of its own able to wield itself, often viewed as a phallic symbol since he is the God of fertility, after all. Freyr seems connected with a few of the holidays, from the first harvest of Lughnasadh or Lammas to the early spring when he wooed the giantess Gerd and was married.

Gerd was a rather reluctant bride, and the servant Skirnir was sent with Freyr’s magical sword to protect him in Jotunheim, the land of giants. Freyr is said to be remarkably handsome, so not sure what Gerd had a problem with cause the only thing that matters are looks, right? Maybe the symbolic sword was too forward, or Freyr should have shown up himself, but the giantess was finally swayed. Still, she made Freyr wait nine days till they were wed.

Freyr is of the Vanir, a kin tribe of Norse Gods to the Aesir. Freyr, his sister, and his father were traded to the Aesir for hostages in a pact of peace. Freyr is more of a laid-back God to work with, preferring peace and merriment. He lives in Alfheim, the beautiful realm of the elves, and is often depicted with his boar mount, Gullinbursti, a gift among many from the dwarves.

As a God of the sun, harvest, and prosperity, he prefers offerings of vegetables and fruit grown by your own hand. Contrary to other Norse Gods, being a God of peace, it is advised not to carry a weapon while working with him in ritual. His colors are green, gold and brown. Symbols of Freyr are boars, the harvest, seeds, phallic symbols, and of course, semen. Feasting, drinking, and indecent humor are ways of celebrating with him. Sounds like your typical Norse family get-together. Who doesn’t enjoy a good party? What could happen? All jesting aside, if the Norse traditions call to you, look a little deeper, check out Freyr. He can have just as much to offer as many of the other deities.

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Sarah Arnoe
Sarah Arnoe
Jul 25, 2022

That's really awesome information about Freyr. I'm just starting to seriously look at my familial dieties and worked a little with Freya. As he is her brother, it makes me wonder if it would be appropriate to offer my respect to him as well?

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