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And so it begins...

Man. Y'all. This past week and weekend was a whirlwind of things and I haven't gotten my head on straight just yet - nothing bad, all amazing things from the universe - it's just been a LOT.

If y'all don't know, October 28th is the 1 year anniversary of my shop being open to the public. 1 year! It doesn't seem like that long at all - yet it also feels like it's been there forever. Since it's the 1 year anniversary AND a lunar eclipse AND one of the luckiest days of the year, I figured, shit, I HAVE to do something epic. So, I've been working out details for an amazing anniversary party and it is shaping up to be a blowout. (I'm going to tell y'all just one little tidbit that I have confirmed today at the end of this blog post.)

It hasn't.

In fact, it's been an amazing day.

I cannot wait to share with you guys the things that are coming up for the 1-year anniversary party. Until several things are set in stone and rolling, I can't confirm or deny anything, lol... but I can say this: I have just booked Leatherface for the 1-year anniversary party and I can't wait. For those of you who don't know, Mark Burnham (the actor who plays Leatherface), is a friend of mine and an amazing actor. I have booked him to come down for the anniversary shindig. It actually surprised me that he was available that weekend being right before Halloween - but the universe has a way of working things out like that.

Stay tuned here to the blog and to my social media for more information as I'm able to put it out. I'm so excited and y'all will be too!

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