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Birth Chart Reading

Would you like a full read of your birth chart from Bodhi?

Service Description

The Blue Bodhi will pull your birth chart and do a full professional read of your birth chart so you can understand what the universe has in store for you, where you're going, why you've been where you've been and so much more. You will need the following for this appointment: - Your birth date - Your birthplace - Your full name *it is good to have your birth time, but if you do not have it, we can just leave out the ascending aspect.

Cancellation Policy

To cancel or reschedule, please send a message at least 2 hours before your appointment. If you cancel or reschedule within 2 hours of your appointment, no refunds will be given.

Contact Details

(844) 441-1113

9 S Main St, Sapulpa, OK, USA

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